Part 1: Exercise Can Help Reduce Depression
(Excerpt from “” Paige Waehner)

With the days getting longer and the temperature getting warmer, many of us are making good use of the seasonal changes. Whether it’s hiking, biking, or walking around Liberty Park, these activities are all sure signs that spring is coming! Not only are these activities great to increase healthy physical fitness habits, study after study has shown that exercise is a helpful way to treat depression because it:
Increases your sense of mastery which can help for people who don’t feel in control of their lives and moods
Increases self-esteem
Provides a distraction from your worries
Improves your health and body, which can help lift your mood
Helps you get rid of built-up stress and frustration
Helps you sleep better, which can often be a problem when you’re depressed
It may seem impossible to get moving when you feel depressed but that’s exactly what you have to do. No matter how tired you feel, getting up and moving around can bring some immediate relief to your symptoms and getting in a little exercise is an excellent way to work off some of that added stress you’re carrying around.
Learn more about how to get an exercise program started in the next post.
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