Healing Through Art Therapy
The Arts at Eva Carlston

Art for exploration, expression, and healing.
Eva Carlston is equipped to satisfy the educational and studio requirements of virtually any artist—from a reluctant beginner to an expert. But the purpose of art at Eva Carlston is not just to develop artistic talent. Artistic expression—whether painting, dancing, music, or writing—can also be a potent therapeutic tool, providing an outlet for emotions and feelings that are too painful to express verbally.
It is not unusual for traumatic events that have been buried deep in the subconscious to surface through the art, dance, or recreational activities. Once the emotions have been released, a therapist can work more effectively with the student and healing is accelerated.

We provide students with the instruction, studio space, time, and equipment to engage in a number of artistic pursuits, including dance, painting and drawing, music, drama, poetry, photography, poetry, and writing. Each artistic medium has its own special therapeutic properties and we encourage our students to explore them all—even as they hone in on the one that might become a passion.
Our students participate in art therapy once per week (though they can elect to do more as schedules permit), which includes instruction, practice, and a therapeutic debrief with our therapists. Students who wish to pursue a specific art form in a more in-depth manner may request extra studio time and instruction.

Dance/Movement Therapy
Dance/Movement therapy is the use of movement to facilitate expression for purposes of psychotherapy. Students benefit greatly from dance/movement therapy, regardless of physical abilities. Dance and yoga are a forms of expressive therapy that strengthen the mind-body connection and can help improve overall mental and physical wellbeing. All of our students participate in dance and yoga weekly. We utilize multiple dance techniques from ballet to jazz. Those who are more developed in their dance skills have opportunities for more training.
Music Therapy
Music therapy utilizes non-verbal, but sound-based expression to help students access and communicate their inner state. As with all of our art therapies, previous experience or ability are unimportant and any student can benefit from the practice of sound-based expression, whether in the form of sophisticated guitar chords or simple forms of drumming.

Drama Therapy
Drama therapy is the intentional use of drama and/or theater processes to achieve therapeutic goals. Drama Therapy is active and experiential. This approach can provide the context for participants to tell their stories, solve problems, explore identity questions, express feelings, or achieve catharsis. Through drama, the depth and breadth of inner experience can be actively enhanced.
Photography Therapy
Photography in therapy is used as emotional communication. Photos provide a perspective that is not always possible through other forms of expression. Girls might present and discuss their personal photos of self, family, and friends, or they may work on a therapeutic photography assignment as an avenue for emotional expression.
Writing Therapy
Writing therapy is a type of expressive therapy using writing as a tool for reflection as well as a practice to improve general wellbeing. Proponents of writing therapy believe that writing about one’s feelings gradually eases emotional pain and can also have a powerful neurochemical and biochemical impact—even strengthening the immune system. Writing therapy can take place by oneself or in a collaborative group situation.
Call: 801-449-0089
Address: 4943 S Wasatch Boulevard, Salt Lake City, Utah 84124