Eva Carlston Academy

Corrie Norman

corrie norman

MPA - Executive Director of Academics and Regulatory Compliance

Corrie has a career spanning over 20 years working with young people and their families in a variety of settings, including residential treatment, day treatment, foster care, and in-home family-preservation services.

Her career extends across adolescent and family treatment in positions as a trainer, consultant, business development, Operations Director, and Academic Director. Corrie has a personal interest and talent in research and employing data driven best practices. As the Associate Executive Director she lends a wide variety of experience and enthusiasm to the team at Eva Carlston.

Corrie received a Master of Public Administration degree from the University of Utah and is nationally certified as a Teaching-Family Model evaluator and trainer. With four children, her personal interests are happily consumed by various family activities. She also enjoys reading, cooking, anything outdoors, and music.