Eva Carlston Academy

Kristin Hilman

kristin hilman

M.Ed. - Academic Director

Kristin has 24 years experience as a teacher, advisor, and counselor in a variety of school settings. She holds a bachelor’s in history and sociology and a Master of Education in Secondary Education. Her commitment to lifelong learning is evident in her varied work experience and educational attainment. She has been awarded fellowships from four different institutions, which allowed her to closely study specific eras of American history. In addition to teaching high school, she has been adjunct faculty at local colleges.

Well traveled, Kristin has visited 23 countries and several states and national parks, bringing first-hand experience to her students. Her travel both sparked and fueled her interest in History. Kristin has long been advocate for women’s education. “I believe in women, especially thinking women” (Emmeline B. Wells) is a favorite quote. Kristin is a founding board member of a political non-profit organization which benefits a certain niche of Utah women.

When not in school, Kristin enjoys reading fiction and non-fiction, fitness, attending her family’s hockey games and musical performances, and Pepper, her beloved goldendoodle dog.